21-Day Reset to Self Program Details

The 21-day Reset To Self Program is designed to support you with a personal reset. Whether you are a yoga teacher or student, we all get busy and unintentionally and accidentally allow our personal practices to slip away. The good news is, with intentional choice, we can reset back. Sometimes, all we need is a little help. This is the perfect program for those wanting an efficient and effortless way to get back into their groove from the comfort at home. Whether you are a novice student, teacher, or brand new to yoga, we feel you will find the practices relevant. We have combined a few self-practices that we feel are essential to a return to self.

Included in each daily lesson:

  • A writing prompt for self-inquiry

  • A biohack (nutrition, sleep, exercise, biometric measurement, daily practices)

  • A 21-minute practice combining meditation, breathwork, and functional yoga movement (these classes are taught by Dave & Stacy Dockins)

  • Join us for only $2 per lesson in this 21-Day Program!!

Set your intention!

Ground yourself with daily focus and mindful movement.