Mindfulness and meditation should not be reserved for a select privileged group of people. You do not have to have the right lingo and vibes, be a part of an elite group, or have access to out-of-reach resources. If you have a body and you breathe, this practice is yours. Everyone deserves to have tools to feel better.
As a yoga and mindfulness educator, I have been exposed to many different tools, teachers, and teaching didactics. Not all are relatable. The one tool that I have found to be incredibly pragmatic and applicable to all humans is the Wheel of Awareness (WOA) as taught by Dr. Dan Siegel. In this one-hour practice, I take you through WOA while moving through postures. Beginners are welcome.
If you are a yoga practitioner and would like to revisit the idea of your practice as a moving meditation, or if you have never practiced yoga and would like to learn more about mindful awareness, mindfulness meditation, and the Wheel of Awareness--join us.
This class is FREE for all and you will have access to it for one week after viewing.
Go to the link in my profile and to 'New Releases' to register for the class. It will be released Saturday morning at 7 am.
For those of you who already practice with us, please share this with any friends and family that may be interested.