Who is this for?

This program is tailored for anyone, whether you're a yoga instructor, a personal trainer, or simply passionate about deepening your understanding of the body. Through lectures, hands-on practice, discussions, and readings, Stacy expertly guides you through the body's structure and functions.

Most importantly, she presents this knowledge in a manner that is relevant and applicable both in yoga and in everyday life. The course spans six months and covers six primary topics: The Spine, The Upper Extremities, The Lower Extremities, The Breath, The Abdominal Wall, and The Pelvic Floor. The groundwork is laid in the recorded lectures, and the experiential learning happens in the weekly 75-minute practices. You can join the practice's live stream on Sundays at 11 am CST or watch the recorded session later in the week. Course Details: $239 16 hours of recorded lecture and 30 hours of live stream practice

Are You Leading a Program?

This course can be taken as a stand-alone or as part of a 200-Hr. yoga alliance program to fulfill hours of anatomy learning. If you are a YTT director and would like information on group discounts, please contact [email protected]

View the Curriculum

    1. I’m happy you’re here!

    1. Mechanics of Breath and It's Multifaceted Impact

    2. Anatomical Structures Covered

    3. Body Sensing Practice

    4. Practice 1: 1/26 Breath Embodiment Practice & Discussion

    5. Practice 2**2/2 11-12:15: Breath & The Canister

    6. Feb 2nd Post Practice Discussion: Breath & the Canister

    7. Practice 3**2/9: Hand Press-->Ribs to Pelvis Breath + discussion

    8. Practice 4**2/16 11-12:15: Calming the Secondary Muscles of Respiration Practice & Discussion

    9. 300 Sequence Design Map (I mentioned this in our session Sunday)

    1. Back to the Basics: The Spine, Stucture-Function, Primary & Secondary Curves

    2. Abdominal Wall Lecture

    3. Anatomical Structures Covered

    4. Body Sensing Practice: The Abdominal Wall

    5. Practice 5** 2/23 Simple Spinal Awareness

    6. 60-Min Core Awareness Flow Class with Stacy

    7. The Spine, Movement and Cueing Considerations, and Common Injuries

    8. Embodiment Meditation

    9. BONUS 30-Min Movement Practice: Strong Belly Soft Belly

    10. Practice 6 3/2 Oblique Sling Exploration

    11. Practice 7 + Left & Right Brain Exercise

    12. Left & Right Brain Hemispheres

    13. Planes of Movement: Quick Refresh!

    14. Practice 8 + Q&A Flowing River Strength

    1. Anatomical Directions of Motion: The Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist

    2. Scapulohumeral Rhythm

    3. The Rotator Cuff

    4. Sensing & Feeling the Rotator Cuff

    5. Anatomical Structures: The Rotator Cuff

    6. Practice 9: March 23 11 am CST

    7. Practice 10: March 30 11 am CST

About this course


  • I run a 200Hr Yoga Teacher Training, can I use this program for my anatomy curriculum?

    Yes! Contact Stacy at [email protected] and we can work up a discounted group price for you.

  • Can I get continuing education credits for the course?

    Yes. The course counts for 40 hours of continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance.

  • Can I work at my own pace?

    Yes, absolutely. However, if you are completing the course as part of your 200-Hr. YTT, you will follow the guidelines for that course.

  • What is the cost of the program?

    $239 We offer a significant discount for YTT Schools that include this course as 20 hours of virtual anatomy learning. Please contact [email protected]

  • Do I have to attend the livestream practices?

    No. These sessions will be recorded and added to your course content weekly for later viewing.

Who is your instructor?

My name is Stacy Dockins, and I will be your instructor. I hold a Master's of Science-Kinesiology with concentrations in orthopedic rehabilitation, corrective exercise, and exercise psychology. I have been teaching yoga and mindfulness for over 25 years and am the author of Embodied Posture: Your Unique Body and Yoga. Since 2005, My husband Dave and I have run Yoga Project School. We currently live in Denton, Texas.

Director/Owner Stacy Dockins

Yoga and mindfulness educator, Stacy Dockins, has dedicated over 25 years of her life to studying the human body and teaching yoga. Her immense understanding of the science and practice of yoga is supported by her Bachelor’s of Science and certifications in 500 Hour E-RYT, Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM-CES), and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP). She is currently pursuing her Mater's of Science with dual concentrations in Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Exercise Psychology at A. T. Still University. Stacy recently developed her first book, Embodied Posture, which empowers readers to align yoga postures to best suit one’s bio-individuality. This innovative perspective combines body awareness, science, and exploration, lending practical tools and information that can be immediately applied to the mat. In addition, Stacy and her husband Dave own three leading yoga studios in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, called Yoga Project studioswhere she creates and directs yoga teacher training courses for 200 and 500 Hour RYT programs. Through EdX.org, she co-taught the online course, “The Science and Practice of Yoga,” which had over 19,000 participants from around the globe thus far. Stacy has contributed to outlets such as Authority Magazine, Well+Good, HealthiNation, and I AM & CO. Stacy enjoys mentoring teachers and teaching her own weekly yoga and meditation classes at the Yoga Project studios, which she co-owns with her husband, Dave. Together they train teachers and lead wellness retreats in Texas, Thailand, Bali, and Costa Rica. A few of her other interests include cycling, plants, nature, and books. When they aren’t out exploring backroads on their bikes, Stacy and Dave might be at home cooking, reading, or practicing together. They have three grown children. Along with Dave, Jake, Kera, Luke, and the family dog, Buster, are the main loves of Stacy’s life.