Your privacy is our priority! We will never give or sell your information to any organization outside of Yoga Project, LLC. To further protect our YP Students, we have established the following guidelines:

  1. No soliciting other students. Please do not approach other students participating in YP trainings/courses to sell any products, services, or to join any organizations outside of YP.
  2. Student information (name, email, etc) is private. Do not gather any other student's personal information for use outside of the purpose of this training.
  3. Student confidentiality. There may be times when you are sharing your journaling, thoughts, or official assignments with other students. This information is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone outside of this training.
  4. This course and it's contents are © Copyright of Yoga Project LLC & Stacy Dockins. All Rights are reserved. No content of this course may be copied, used, and/or distributed without the written consent of Stacy Dockins.