I agree that this video, course, and information are designed to be used by one person and may not be shared, downloaded or reproduced for any reason. I understand that all rights are reserved by Yoga Project LLC, Embodied Posture, & Stacy Dockins © 2022.

To receive certification or receive official credit for your coursework, all components must be complete. This includes discussions, assignments, and assessments. You will have access to the course content for six months from the time of beginning the program. The certification time limit is six months from beginning course work.

Because physical exercise can be strenuous and subject to the risk of serious injury, I agree (by clicking the checkbox and participating in physical exercise or training videos) and I do so entirely at my own risk. 

Any recommendation or direction for postures, movement, and breathing exercises are entirely at my own responsibility and I know I should consult a physician prior to participating. I agree that I am voluntarily participating in the use of YP video instruction and I assume all risks of injury, illness, or death.