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Course curriculum

    1. *Course Preparation and Overview

    1. *Your Journey Here:--A Timeline: DISCUSSION

    2. Self-Kindness Meditation

    3. *M1W1 Learning Activities/ Reading

    4. 60-Min Hand Loving Flow with Stacy

    5. *The Evidence-Based Teacher: DISCUSSION

    6. *The Approach: DISCUSSION

    7. *The YPFY Class: DISCUSSION

    8. *The Body Keeps the Score BOOK DISCUSSION W1

    9. Module 1 - Week 2 Teaching Schedule July 4-10

    10. Module 1 - Week 3 Teaching Schedule - July 11-17

    11. M1W2 Learning Activities/Reading

    12. Feedback Framework

    13. Anatomy Trains and RI Book DISCUSSION W2

    14. 60-Min Five Sun Salutation Variations with Stacy

    15. Type I Class: Explicit Teaching DISCUSSION

    16. *The Body Keeps the Score DISCUSSION W2

    17. Disassociation, Embodied Presence, and Yoga

    18. *M1W3 Learning Activities/Reading

    19. *TBKTS W3 Book Discussion

    20. *Credible Sources: DISCUSSION

    21. Mindfulness & The Brain DISCUSSION

    22. 60-Min Pillar Strength with Stacy

    23. *Courageous Innovation: DISCUSSION

    1. M2W1 - Teaching Schedule

    2. M2W2 Teaching Schedule

    3. M2W3 Teaching Schedule

    4. *M2W1 Learning Activities/ Reading

    5. *What is functionality: Group Literature Review M2W1

    6. M2W1 Posture Analysis: Anatomy Trains / Assignment

    7. *M2W1 Teaching Tools for Embodied Presence


    9. *M2W2 Learning Activities/ Reading

    10. M2W2 Functional Yoga Framework: Group Collaboration

    11. M2W2 Embodying the Body

    12. *M2W2 TBKTS Book Discussion

    13. *M2W3 Reading

    14. *M2W3 Critical Thinking and the Iliopsoas RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT

    15. M2W3 Flexibility, Mobility, and Stability

    16. *M2W3 Functional Core Stability

    17. M2W3 Strong Flow Beginning w/ Hip Mobility Work/ Assignment

    18. *M2W3 TBKTS Book Discussion

    1. *M3W1 A Somatics Perspective

    2. *M3W1 Learning Activities/ Reading

    3. M3 W1 Teaching Catch Up

    4. *M3W2 Learning Activities/ Reading

    5. M3W2 Discussion of Abuse in Yoga

    6. *M3W2 The Sensorimotor System

    7. M3W2 60 Min Practice Embodied Presence

    8. *M3W2 TBKTS Discussion

    9. *M3W3 Learning Activities/ Reading

    10. *M3W3 TBKTS Final Discussion

    11. M3W3 Yoga, Stress, and the Cognitive Appraisal Theory

    12. M3W3 Movement Based Contemplative Practices & Embodied Cognition

    13. M3W3 Yoga Based Movement for Pain Relief

    14. M3W4 Learning Activities

    15. *M3W4 Stress, The Brain, and Re-Educating Movement

    16. M3W4 The Three Basic Psychological Needs

    17. M3W4 Tension Relief Practice

    18. M3W5 Practice

    19. *M3W5 Forward Head Posture, The Sensorimotor System, & The Autonomic Nervous System

    20. *M3W5 Class Design Assignment

    21. *M3W6 You made it SO FAR!!!!

    22. *M3W6 Have you completed everything?

About this course

  • $1,200.00
  • 64 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content
Embodied Presence is designed to enhance your role as a YP-FYT (Yoga Project Functional Yoga Teacher) through a collaborative study of the following topics:

Module One YP-FYT Pillars:

In this module we will collaborate, discuss, and expand upon the YP-FYT philosophy. What are the commonalities of the 1) class, 2) teacher, and 3) mindset? This module will help you gain confidence with applying your gifts and passions while simultaneously being supported by a framework model.

Module Two: The Lens of Functionality:

What does functional mean in the context of yoga, other movement modalities, and life? How do we view, not only the musculoskeletal system, but the entire person through the lens of functionality? We will discuss, collaborate, and expand upon how to most effectively guide our students and ourselves toward transferrable, meaningful practices for mental and physical wellness.

Module 3 Neurophysiology/ Brain Training:

In this module, we will study the sensorimotor system, conscious and subconscious processes of the nervous system as they affect the musculoskeletal body, and the cascade of involuntary protective mechanisms that often result in discomfort, dis-ease, and pain. Additionally, we will discuss the effects of anxiety on the body-mind complex, along with the practice of embodied presence and it's potential to negate the stress cascade and chronic muscular tension. We will discuss psychological theory, mental health practices as they relate to yoga and other embodied practices. We include the study of somatics as introduced by Thomas Hanna and the earlier pioneers such as M. Feldenkrais.
The content is broken up into three modules that are designed to span a total of 12 weeks. The program highlights the potency of shared subjective experience and guidance from experienced mentors/peers. We utilize these learning components: Video conferencing - Evening Zoom meeting time 6 pm CST Daily practice, breathing exercise, mindful awareness meditation, and self-inquiry. Assignments: reading, written, and video submission Blog discussion with peers and instructors Scientific literature review and commentary