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    300Hr Certification Online Program

    Payment Plan of 4-monthly payments. Begin today! These courses are fully supported by Stacy Dockins all the way through your certification.
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  • $1,500.00

    300Hr Certification Online Program

    Begin today! These courses are fully supported by Stacy Dockins all the way through your certification.
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Functional Yoga Advanced Teacher Training

300Hr Certification (YA Accredited)

This program is for those teachers seeking to teach classes that are influenced by ancient teachings, yet rooted in modern research findings. We train teachers that are dedicated to study, careful evaluation of their use of language, and critical thinking. Our curriculum content thrives on interdisciplinary studies of movement science, physiology, and mental health practices. Our program requires discipline, dedicated studentship, and meaningful dialogue. If you are interested in a science-based program taught by experienced instructors, this one is for you!

300Hr Grad / Testimonials


by Bethany / WI

This program was (is) transformational for my personal practice, my teaching, and life. The functional and dysfunctional movement used to mean - the way I cope with major injuries so that I can get back to living life. That understanding has completely transformed. I know that dysfunction shows up in the tiniest compensatory movements, the details of asana are where the magic unfolds, moving slowly & intentionally is not easy, and how we show up for our practice on our mat matters so much. The commitment I made to myself and my students to go beyond the postures and FEEL, EXPERIENCE, NOTICE, WAKE UP… holy cow, that’s the practice. I love(d) this program and felt 100% supported by Stacy, Dave, and the other students. The hybrid learning environment with live weekly meet-ups was just what I needed to support the flexibility of my own learning pace along with the critical thinking I needed from the online/live meet-up community.

Everything is Connected!

by Jamie B. - Texas

This has been such an incredible journey. I loved all of the material and the books were fantastic. I have learned so much I don’t even know where to begin. I think the best way to truly sum up it all up is that Everything Is Connected. Digging into each concept individually was sometimes difficult and overwhelming at times but in the end, it all came together to make perfect sense. So many profound lightbulb moments. This training really gave me a totally new perspective of the importance of embodiment. I loved reading TBKTS!!! It was therapeutic and allowed me to be vulnerable which allowed deeper relationships to build which I loved. I also learned a ton about the brain and the importance of not only mindfulness but the relationship to feeling the body to connect and truly release anxiety, traumas, and stresses. Somatics SMA was mind-blowing to me. How many people’s lives would be changed??? Not having to live in chronic pain being told it’s just what they have to go through due to aging and not potentially having unnecessary fusions, surgeries, and tons of medications if they only knew about this concept??? Learning about red light reflex helped me to understand how our bodies can develop motor learning issues that are compensating in a different manner and that there are other potential tools such as pandiculation that can be utilized. Anatomy Trains was also really interesting. I loved the videos and was fascinated by the fascia plastic versus elastic stretching. This really helped me understand RI, tensional integrity, and myofascial connectivities. Now I want to go get some bodywork done. Another takeaway was the importance of language being used and how that can trigger the brain to go into judgment mode. The basic psychological needs theory was so important to learn and remember as I engage with my students. This training allowed me to have an internal shift regarding the type of teacher I want to be. I struggled with my confidence and feel I needed to change to fit the environment I am teaching in. What I have discovered is the type of class I want to teach is more important than being like everyone else. I found the confidence from learning how functionality and embodiment are such proven and powerful tools that I am no longer doubting what I am teaching. Once again, I can’t say it enough how grateful I am for all of the knowledge and life-changing gifts I have received from this. I would say to someone that was considering the program but finds the content intimidating that it is SO worth the journey and it all comes together in the end. It is all that you make of it. If you can try to absorb as much as you can at each step but also not cause added anxiety, in the end, you will discover so much.

Changed my practice!

by Lyn P. - Illinois

Thank you, it was tough to complete but I truly loved the courses. I have attached a photo and here are some words.....not really sure how to begin so feel free to edit. "My journey with the Yoga Project courses has by far been the hardest I have worked in my time as a yoga teacher, and I have loved every single moment of it. The program really worked for my learning style and I appreciated how interactive it was even being online. What I have learned over the past 10 month has changed my practice, my teaching and also my life. I am forever grateful I stumbled into the teachings of Stacy and Dave, and I also realize this is just the beginning and there is so much more to learn."